May 1st and 2nd, 2020
Join us for our special Virtual Summit:
Special Jurisdictions in a Post-COVID World
About the Event
In the aftermath of COVID-19, the world will need to rebuild economically and politically. To prepare for this, the Startup Societies Foundation is hosting a virtual summit that will explore how special jurisdictions can combat pandemics and rebuild governance, institutions and economies in the aftermath of COVID-19.
This conference will explore how small and special jurisdictions have an advantage when dealing with Coronavirus and similar pandemics. Their size makes it more manageable for governments to trace goods, and people, as well as implement drastic measures to fight health threats. Successful containment strategies within Hong Kong, Singapore and Macau are evidence of this.

Other special jurisdictions, like Special Economic Zones (SEZs), can facilitate trade as states enact policies to reduce transmission. Trade barriers will likely follow recent travel restrictions as states are more motivated to control their own supply chains. Yet, states must still trade. SEZs can provide a bastion of global exchange amid mounting tensions. Also, SEZs that focus on medical technologies can help firms create preventive treatments or vaccines. These innovative Zones can also be administered by Distributed Ledger Technologies, reducing the need physical contact.
Special jurisdictions should be at the forefront of post-COVID-19 policy by providing innovative, accountable and nimble governance.
Now — at the depth of the pandemic — is the time to lay the foundation. Don't Panic. Build.
On May 1st-2nd, this live virtual event will bring together leaders in special jurisdictions, policy making, epidemiology, distributed ledger technology, and data science.
This one-of-a-kind event is kindly supported by the following:

Featured Speakers

General Event Schedule
Day One
Eastern Daylight Times provided
Welcoming Remarks
Financial and Political Decentralization in a Post Covid 19 World
10:40 AM – Keynote
His Serene Highness Prince Michael Von Liechtenstein
Local Solutions for Global Problems
11:00 AM – Fireside
Restarting the Global Economy With New Cities
New Silk Road Post Covid 19
Charter Cities to Empower the Global South
Autonomous Special Juirisdiction Legal Systems
The Emergence of the Governance-as-a-Service Industry
Reconstructing Globalism with SEZs in a Post Covid 19 World
Variolation as a Strategy to Reduce Transmissions
Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Special Jurisdictions: Templates for Health, Security, and Prosperity
Self Sustaining Communities During Pandemics
Digital Transformation of Goverments and Special Jurisdictions
Networking and Break out Sessions
Red and Green Zones: The Future of Pandemic Control
Digital Currency to Enable Markets
Day Two
HOAs and Condos Against Pandemics
Innovative SEZs to Regrow the Global Economy
Investing in Special Jurisdictions and the Technology That Enables Them
Zoning for Prosperity rather than Zoning for Poverty
Business Case with Social Impact for Floating Zones
How a Free Private City Can Address a Pandemic
Private industry and Private Jurisdictions to Prevent and Recover From Pandemics
Banks without Borders: Using Special Jurisdictions and Digitally Enabled Banks to Allow for Global Transfers
How Muncipalities and Special Districts Can Lead the Charge Against Covid 19
FDI in Port Cities
Networking Session and Breakout Sessions
Complex Governance of Pandemics
Data Sovereignty and Pandemic Tracking
Investor’s perspective on Startup Societies
Seasteading In a Post Covid 19 World
Digital Transformation for Central Banks and Financial Ecosystems
Captialism After Satoshi and Covid 19
Announcement about Decentralized Dance Party

Special Events
Attendees who reserve a VIP slot will gain access to two exclusive events!
VIP Welcome Event
Get a full day head start by joining us for our VIP-only event on April 30th from 6-9pm ET. We’ve got all sorts of surprises in store for you, including guests you won’t want to miss!
- Special Guest: Tim Draper (of Draper Fisher Jurvetson and Draper University) will join us live for the opening ceremony!
- Investor Roundtable: Industry experts from NeWay and Pronomos Capital will be present to discuss the hottest issues of the day!
- Break Out Session: Industry experts will lead discussion groups that provide an opportunity to learn and network with leaders in the movement.
Start your conference experience off with a bang by reserving your VIP slot now!
Virtual Decentralized Dance Party
What kind of conference would it be if there wasn’t a blowout bash to cap it off? Don’t let social distancing keep you from dancing your heart out on Day Two (May 2nd at 5pm ET) for our Virtual Dance Party!
- Your living room is the place to be: Clear out plenty of space! Put up lights, dress your best, this exclusive VIP event is streamed live!
- Multi-stream support: No one parties alone on our watch. You'll be able to show off your moves as dozens of other VIP livestreamers simultaneously join you!
- This ain't your grandpa's record player: We'll be spinning the hottest dance and electronic club mixes live on air, so if you've got a knob for it, crank your bass up!