Environmental Impacts in the Startup Societies World: What can and Should be done

The environment can survive without us, but we cannot without it.
Earthport: Rediscovering a space-bound Startup Society

The proposal was made not for the year 2027, 2037 or even 2047…but 1977.
Ulex Applications: Holochain (Part 5)

Holochain is a non-blockchain framework for writing fully distributed peer-to-peer applications.Ulex is being built on the Holochain infrastructure, and it’s a match made in heaven.
Ulex Applications: Kleros (Part 2)

Kleros is a dispute resolution system on the blockchain – but is the blockchain enough? We examine if a codification of the law may be necessary…
Ulex: How You Helped Create Non-Governmental Law

The operating systems of jurisprudence are in for a revolution, and you’ve helped make the first step!
Unfamiliar Rules and the Lost Elons

Unfamiliar rules squander an enormous amount of potential. Africa gave us one Elon; how many have we lost to poverty?
Virtual Startup Societies Summit: Special Jurisdictions in a Post-Covid World

The Startup Societies Foundation is hosting a virtual summit that will explore how special jursidictions can combat pandemics and rebuild global governance & economics in the aftermath of Covid 19.
What If Puerto Rico Could Be Saved By Innovative Tech?

It seems that a country destroyed by natural disaster is in fact the best place for new technology…
Who Needs Ulex? Some Use Case Examples for Startup Societies

Certain types of societies currently struggling across the globe would reap great benefits from adopting a legal system like Ulex.
Why the Chinese Communist Party argued over Cake

What’s more important in regards to a cake? Making more of it or divvying it up evenly?