To secure the blessings of economic prosperity and opportunity for its people, and to provide a beacon of hope and freedom to the world, the Congress of the Nation of hereby enacts this World Cities Act of DATE, as follows:




SECTION 1. Geographic Area


For purposes of this legislation, the geographic area defined by the following boundaries: shall be designated as a World City.


SECTION 2. Exclusive Application of Provisions

All provisions of this legislation shall apply exclusively within the geographic area of the World City as defined in Section 1 above, except for the provisions of Title IV, Section 3 relating to the transit of imports and exports to and from the World City.


SECTION 3. Additional Designations

Other geographic areas may be designated as World Cities in which the provisions of this legislation apply only by a later, express, legislative act of the Congress sitting in session at any later time.




SECTION 1. World City


For purposes of this legislation, the term World City shall mean the geographic area designated as a World City in Title I, Section 1.

SECTION 2. World City Business


For purposes of this legislation, the term World City Business shall mean any commercial, manufacturing, retail, service, professional, sales, financial, trade, real estate, entertainment, restaurant or other business enterprise,

  1. whose facilities, offices, and property, real or personal, are located entirely within the World City or a foreign jurisdiction;
  2.  whose officers, employees, consultants, subcontractors or other economic actors receiving compensation from the enterprise perform the work or service for which such compensation is paid entirely within the World City or a foreign jurisdiction; and
  3. whose operations and activities including sales and purchases are conducted entirely within the World City or a foreign jurisdiction, though the enterprise may sell to or purchase from host country businesses or citizens as long as the transaction occurs within the World City or a foreign jurisdiction.

SECTION 3. World City Economic Citizen


For purposes of this legislation, the term World City Economic Citizen shall mean any individual who

  1. has obtained a World City passport as defined in Title VI, Section 3, and
  2. is not a host country citizen as defined in Section 6 below.

SECTION 4. World City Visitor


For purposes of this legislation, the term World City Visitor shall mean any individual who

  1. has obtained a World City visa as described in Title VI, Section 2
  2. is present within the World City;
  3. is not a World City economic citizen as defined in Section 3 above; and
  4. is not a host country citizen as defined in Section 6 below.

SECTION 5. Host Country Business


For purposes of this legislation, the term Host Country Business shall mean any commercial, manufacturing, retail, service, professional, sales, financial, trade, real estate, entertainment, restaurant, or other business enterprise that is subject to the jurisdiction of the Nation of but is not a World City business as defined in Section 2 above.

SECTION 6. Host Country Citizen


  1. For purposes of this legislation, the term Host Country Citizen shall mean any full citizen of the Nation of .
  2. For purposes of this legislation, the term Host Country Citizen who has established residence within the World City shall mean a host country citizen whose principal, primary, declared residence is within the World City, rather than in the Nation of outside the World City.

SECTION 7. Real Estate


For purposes of this legislation, the term Real Estate shall mean any activity relating to real estate, including development, operation for rental, and ownership.

SECTION 8. Foreign Jurisdiction


For purposes of this legislation, the term Foreign Jurisdiction shall mean any country or nation other than the Nation of__________.

SECTION 9. World City Authority


For purposes of this legislation, the term World City Authority shall mean a private sector, for profit, corporate entity whom the government of the Nation of shall choose to lease all the publicly owned land, buildings, facilities and other property within the World City, as provided in Title VIII, Section 8. The World City Authority shall be responsible for subleasing such property to World City businesses and for administering the World City, as provided in Titles VI, VIII, IX, X, and elsewhere in this legislation.

SECTION 10. Master Lease


For purposes of this legislation, the term Master Lease shall mean the lease under which the World City Authority leases all the publicly owned land, buildings, facilities, and other property within the World City from the government of the Nation of ___________, as provided in Title VIII, Section 1.

SECTION 11. Local Community Association


For purposes of this legislation, the term Local Community Association shall mean private sector, nonprofit, corporate organizations formed by World City businesses, economic citizens, workers, and residents to cover their respective geographic areas within the World City as specified in Title X, Section 1, and performing the functions specified in Titles X, XI, and XII.




SECTION 1. Income and Payroll Taxes


  1. No income tax, corporate tax, business tax, company tax, capital gains tax, or other tax, shall be imposed on the profits or income earned by a World City business on the sale of any good, material, service, personal property, real property, or other item or action.
  2. No income tax, corporate tax, business tax, company tax, capital gains tax, or other tax, shall be imposed on dividends, interest, rents, royalties, in-kind property or services, or other income or compensation received by a World City business.
  3. No income tax, corporate tax, business tax, company tax, capital gains tax, or other tax, shall be imposed on the interest paid by any World City business, or on the dividends paid on any shares in any such business, or on the proceeds of any sort received for the sale of shares in any such business.
  4. No income tax or other tax shall be imposed on the income received by any individual, whether a host country citizen or otherwise, for any work or service provided entirely within the World City or within a foreign jurisdiction for a World City business.
  5. No payroll tax of any kind, including, but not limited to, social insurance taxes, social security taxes, retirement benefits taxes, health benefits taxes, unemployment compensation taxes, or workmen’s compensation taxes, shall be imposed on employers, employees, or the self-employed, whether a host country citizen or otherwise, for compensation paid or received for any work or service provided entirely within the World City or within a foreign jurisdiction, for a World City business.

SECTION 2. Property and Wealth Taxes


  1. No property tax, land appreciation tax, development tax, building tax, or other tax shall be imposed on real property within the World City, whether land, buildings, housing, or other property.
  2. No taxes of any kind shall be imposed on personal property within the World City.
  3. No wealth tax or asset tax of any kind shall be imposed on World City businesses, economic citizens, or visitors.
  4. No inheritance tax of any kind shall be imposed on World City economic citizens or visitors at death.
  5. No greater wealth tax, asset tax, or inheritance tax of any kind may be imposed on host country citizens residing in a World City, or who resided in a World City at death, than the amount of any such taxes that are imposed on host country citizens in otherwise identical circumstances who do not reside within the World City, or did not at death.

SECTION 3. Sales or Lease Taxes


  1. No sales tax, excise tax, purchase tax, transaction tax, value added tax, turnover tax, consumption tax, or other tax shall be imposed on the sale of any good, service, or personal property by World City businesses, economic citizens, or visitors, to any purchaser except host country businesses or citizens.
  2. No sales tax, excise tax, purchase tax, transaction tax, value added tax, turnover tax, consumption tax, or other tax shall be imposed on the sale of any good, service, or property by a host country business or citizen to a World City business, a World City economic citizen, or a World City visitor, as long as the transaction occurs within the World City or a foreign jurisdiction.
  3. No greater sales tax, excise tax, purchase tax, transaction tax, value added tax, turnover tax, consumption tax, or other tax shall be imposed on the sale of any good, service, or personal property by a World City business, economic citizen, or visitor, to any host country business or citizen, than the amount of any such taxes that are imposed in otherwise identical circumstances on sales by host country businesses or citizens outside the World City to other host country businesses or citizens.
  4. No sales tax, excise tax, purchase tax, transaction tax, value added tax, turnover tax, consumption tax, lease tax, rental tax, or tax of any kind, shall be imposed on the sale or lease of real property within the World City from or to any business or individual, regardless of citizenship.
  5. No sales tax, excise tax, purchase tax, transaction tax, value added tax, turnover tax, consumption tax, lease tax, rental tax, or tax of any kind, shall be imposed on the lease of personal property within the World City from or to any business or individual, regardless of citizenship, as long as the personal property is primarily used within the World City.

SECTION 4. Other Taxes


  1. No municipal taxes or fees, permit fees, consent fees, or official or planning fees, shall be imposed on World City businesses, economic citizens or visitors, or on host country citizens for their activities conducted within the World City.
  2. No other taxes not mentioned in this legislation shall be imposed on World City businesses, economic citizens, or visitors, or their property, income, receipts, payments, actions, or activities, or on host country citizens for their activities conducted within the World City.




SECTION 1. Customs Duties and Taxes


  1. No customs duties, tariffs, entry taxes, consumption taxes, registration fees, stamped duties, value added taxes, transaction taxes, or other taxes shall be imposed on
  1.  imports into a World City to World City businesses, economic citizens, or visitors, or
  2. exports from a World City by World City businesses, economic citizens, or visitors to foreign businesses or individuals.
  1. No greater import taxes may be imposed on sales by World City businesses, economic citizens, or visitors to host country businesses or citizens outside the World City than are imposed on other imports to World City businesses or citizens in otherwise identical circumstances.

SECTION 2. Permits, Licenses and Restrictions



  1. World City businesses, economic citizens, or visitors shall not be required to obtain any import or export license in order to import or export into or out of a World City.
  2. No import quotas or prohibitions shall apply to imports into a World City to World City businesses, economic citizens, or visitors, except for
  1.    substances whose use or manufacture is prohibited within the Nation of _____,
  2.   military arms, equipment, weapons, explosives, and similar items, other than arms and equipment for public or private police services, routine self
  3. protection by residents, and sports or recreation.
  1. No domestic content requirements shall apply to goods or personal property imported into a World City for World City businesses, economic citizens, or visitors.

SECTION 3. Customs Procedures


  1. Customs officials shall defer inspection of any imports into a World City until the imports reach the city. The imports shall be directly transferred from the port of entry under customs’ seal and escort.
  2. At the World City, customs officials shall inspect the imports to determine whether they contain any prohibited articles, items, or materials. They shall not, however, conduct any valuation of the imports.
  3. Customs officials shall inspect any exports from the World City at the city to determine whether they contain any prohibited articles, items, or materials. The exports shall then be transferred to the port of exit under customs’ seal and escort with no further customs inspection.
  4. Customs officials shall maintain an office and inspection site at the World City to carry out its inspection of World City exports and imports.

SECTION 4. International Agreements


Notwithstanding anything in this legislation to the contrary, any import or export fees or restrictions required by international agreements of the Nation of shall continue to apply to imports and exports into or out of the World City.




SECTION 1. Currency Exchanges and Transactions


  1. World City businesses, economic citizens, or visitors shall be free to exchange any currency for any other currency at whatever market rate can be obtained.
  2. World City businesses, economic citizens, or visitors shall be free to perform any transaction or to enter into any contractual commitment in any currency. This freedom shall apply, but not be limited to, transactions or commitments involving purchases from host country businesses or citizens within the World City, or payment of wages and salaries to employees within the World City.
  3. World City businesses, economic citizens, or visitors, shall be free to make investments, draw profits, or borrow in any currency.
  4. World City businesses, economic citizens, or visitors shall be free to open and hold bank accounts and deposits in any currency.


SECTION 2. Movement of Capital


No exchange controls or other restrictions shall apply to movement of funds into or out of the World City, except for funds moving into the Nation of . World City businesses, economic citizens, or visitors shall be free to expatriate profits from the World City to any foreign jurisdiction and to reinvest funds held in the World City in any foreign jurisdiction.


SECTION 3. Taxes


No currency conversion taxes or other taxes shall be imposed on foreign exchange transactions within the World City or on any movement of funds into or out of the World City.




SECTION 1. World City Entry


No one, including host country citizens, shall be allowed to enter into or establish residence in the World City except as provided in this Title.


SECTION 2. World City Visitors


  1. The World City Authority shall grant a World City visa to any applicant whatsoever, without limitation, who seeks entry into the World City as a World City visitor, upon satisfaction of the following requirements:
  1.   The applicant provides basic identification information;
  2. The applicant signs a Civil Society Covenant defined in Title XII, Section 2 below;
  3. The World City Authority determines that the application shall not be denied on the grounds specified in Subsection H below.
  1. Upon receipt of the World City visa, the applicant shall be deemed a World City visitor, except in the case of host country citizens, whose legal status is specified in Section 4 below. Any child under the age of 13 travelling with any approved World City visitor shall automatically be provided a World City visa and be deemed a World City visitor as well. Each individual age 13 and over, however, must obtain their own World City visa to enter the World City.
  2. The World City visa shall authorize the visitor to enter and remain in the World City for as long as the visitor chooses.
  3. World City visitors shall have all the rights and freedoms of any other individual in the World City as specified in this legislation, except that no World City visitor may lease or sublease any real property, residential or otherwise, or dwelling place in the World City other than a unit or space in a hotel or similar short-term facility which does not rent any unit or space for periods of more than 30 days.
  4. Consistent with the limitation on leasing or subleasing of property or dwelling places by World City visitors specified in Subsection D above, the master lease for the World City Authority shall include,
  1. A provision providing that the World City Authority shall not lease or sublease any real property, residential or otherwise or dwelling place to a World City visitor, other than a unit or space in a hotel or similar short-term facility which does not rent any unit or space for periods of more than 30 days; and
  2. A provision providing that the World City Authority shall include in any lease or sublease of real property from the Authority by any party a provision providing that the lessee or sublessee shall also not lease or sublease any real property, residential or otherwise, or dwelling place to a World City visitor, other than a unit or space in a hotel or similar or short-term facility which does not rent any unit or space for periods of more than 30 days.
  1. The World City Authority shall maintain a continuously open and accessible World City entry office that shall immediately provide World City visas to applicants upon satisfaction of the requirements of this Section.
  2. At the time of exit from the World City, every World City visitor shall return the World City visa to the World City Authority at the entry office or any other location designated by the World City Authority.
  3. The World City Authority may deny a World City visa to any applicant, if the Authority has reasonable cause to believe that the applicant,
  1.  has been currently banned from the World City due to a finding of a criminal violation as provided in Title XII, Section 3 below, or
  2. seeks to enter the World City for an unlawful purpose.
  1. Any applicant may challenge denial of a World City visa by submitting the dispute to private arbitration in the World City. The arbitrators shall grant the visa unless they determine by a preponderance of the evidence that the applicant failed to satisfy the requirements in Subsection A above or that the grounds for denial of the visa in Subsection H above are valid. The losing party in the arbitration, the applicant or the World City Authority, shall pay all costs and attorney’s fees of the winning party.


SECTION 3. World City Economic Citizens


  1. The World City Authority shall grant a World City passport to any applicant whatsoever, without limitation, who seeks entry into the World City as a World City economic citizen, upon satisfaction of the following requirements,
  1. The applicant provides basic identification information;
  2.  The applicant signs a Civil Society Covenant defined in Title XII, Section 2 below;
  3. The applicant designates a social or religious organization within the World City as a point of affiliation for the applicant within the World City; and
  4. The World City Authority determines that the application should not be denied on the grounds specified in Subsection F below.
  1. Upon receipt of the World City passport, the applicant shall be deemed a World City economic citizen, except in the case of host country citizens, whose legal status is specified in Section 4 below. Any child under the age of 13 who resides in the same household as an approved World City economic citizen shall be automatically be provided a World City passport and be deemed a World City economic citizen as well. Each individual age 13 and over, however, must obtain their own World City passport to be deemed a World City economic citizen.
  2. The World City passport shall authorize the economic citizen to enter, remain, and reside in the World City for as long as the economic citizen chooses.
  3. World City economic citizens shall have all the rights and freedoms of any other individual in the World City as specified in this legislation, including the right to lease or sublease any real property, residential or otherwise, or any dwelling place in the World City, without limit.
  4. The World City Authority shall maintain the capability of processing World City passport applications at its continuously opened entry office and shall process all such applications within 24 hours from the time of receipt.
  5. The World City Authority may deny a World City passport to any applicant, if the Authority has reasonable cause to believe that the applicant,
  1.  has been currently banned from the World City due to a finding of a criminal violation as provided in Title XII, Section 3 below, or
  2. seeks to enter the World City for an unlawful purpose.
  1. Any applicant may challenge denial of a World City passport by submitting the dispute to private arbitration in the World City. The arbitrators shall grant the passport unless they determine by a preponderance of the evidence that the applicant failed to satisfy the requirements in Subsection A above or that the grounds for denial of the passport in Subsection F above are valid. The losing party in the arbitration, the applicant or the World City Authority, shall pay all costs and attorney’s fees of the winning party.


SECTION 4. Host Country Citizens


  1. World City Visas
  1. Host country citizens shall have the same right to obtain a World City visa, under the same procedures, as anyone else.
  2.  A host country citizen who obtains a World City visa shall not be deemed a World City visitor but shall continue to be deemed a host country citizen.
  3.   Host country citizens who obtain World City visas shall have the same rights as World City visitors, except where this legislation expressly provides for different rights for host country citizens.
  1. World City Passports
  1. Host country citizens shall have the same right to obtain a World City passport, under the same procedures, as anyone else.
  2.  A host country citizen who obtains a World City passport shall not be deemed a World City economic citizen but shall continue to be deemed a host country citizen.
  3.   Host country citizens who obtain World City passports shall have the same rights as World City economic residents, except where this legislation expressly provides for different rights for host country citizens.


SECTION 5. No Entry Into the Nation of .


  1. Entry into the Nation of outside the World City shall be limited to those who comply with the generally applicable entry and immigration requirements of the Nation of .
  2. Neither a World City visa, nor a World City passport, shall authorize entry into the Nation of outside the World City, or grant World City visitors or economic residents the right to vote in any election or hold any public office of the Nation of , or exercise any other exclusive right of host country citizens.




SECTION 1. Price and Profit Controls


  1. No restrictions of any kind whatsoever shall apply to the price of any good, service, or real or personal property sold within the World City.
  2. No restrictions of any kind whatsoever shall apply to the rent charged for any real or personal property leased within the World City, including rent charged for residential dwellings.
  3. No restrictions of any kind whatsoever shall apply to the margin or profits that may be received for the sale or lease of any good, service, or real or personal property within the World City.


SECTION 2. Labor Regulation


  1. The laws and regulations of the Nation of regarding labor and employment shall not apply within the World City, except for regulations directly involving the physical health and safety of workers.
  2. No regulations, restrictions or requirements regarding unionization, collective bargaining, or strikes shall apply within the World City.
  3. No minimum wage law or other controls over the amount of wages shall apply within the World City.
  4. No regulations or requirements regarding the hiring or dismissal or workers shall apply within the World City.
  5. No regulations or requirements regarding minimum work hours, overtime pay, holidays, vacations, sick leave, severance pay, or any fringe benefits shall apply within the World City.
  6. No regulations or requirements regarding worker participation in management or commercial decisions shall apply within the World City.
  7. Individuals shall be free to engage in any work, employment, activity, or profession within the World City that does not involve physical force or fraud, without obtaining any sort of license or permit.
  8. Host country citizens shall be free to accept and pursue any lawful employment within the World City.


SECTION 3. Financial Regulation


All regulations of the Nation of regarding banking, security transactions, and insurance transactions shall not apply within the World City. Regulation of activities within these areas shall be left to industry codes developed by mutual agreement of the firms in each industry.


SECTION 4. Building Codes

  1. The government of the Nation of shall not specify any building codes or restrictions to apply within the World City.
  2. The World City Authority shall require each World City business, real property owner and lessee to purchase appropriate fire, liability, and other insurance. The insurers may set building code standards to apply to their insureds as a condition of the insurance.
  3. The World City Authority may set architectural and building requirements as conditions of any of its subleases. Each local community association as well as the World City Authority may also set such requirements in accordance with authority granted to them by contract with the parties to be covered by the requirements.


SECTION 5. Zoning and Land Use Regulation


  1. The government of the Nation of shall not apply any zoning or land use regulations within the World City.
  2. The World City Authority may set zoning and land use requirements as conditions of any of its leases. Each local community association, as well as the World City Authority, may also such requirements in accordance with authority granted to them by contract with the parties to be covered by the requirements.


SECTION 6. Health, Safety, and the Environment


The government of the Nation of shall specify in a Master Lease to World City Authority regulations to be observed regarding public health, safety, and the environment within the World City.




SECTION 1. World City Authority

  1. The government of the Nation of shall retain ownership of all public land, buildings, and facilities in the World City.
  2. The government of the Nation of shall lease, in a Master Lease, all publicly owned land, buildings, and facilities within the World City to the World City Authority for a period of 30-90 years. The World City Authority shall be responsible for all administration and management of the World City.
  3. In this Master Lease, the government of the Nation of shall also lease to the World City Authority no less than 15 percent of the unused portion of the radio spectrum assigned to the government by the International Telecommunications Union. The World City Authority shall have the right to utilize such leased radio spectrum on an exclusive 24-hour basis and may sublease such right in whole or in part as it deems appropriate. The Master Lease shall further provide that the World City Authority shall have the exclusive right to build, operate, and maintain communications facilities, networks, and systems for and within the World City to provide telecommunications services for the World City, and to sublease any or all of such rights as it deems appropriate. In cases where the World city Authority or its sublessees desire to obtain services from, or coordinate alternative satellite usage with, multilateral organizations such as INTELSAT and INMARSAT, the government shall promptly and fully assist in obtaining such services or coordination. The government shall pass through to the World City Authority or its sublessees the most favorable rates for dedicated and other circuits available to national signatories for INTELSAT and INMARSAT international telecommunications services, with a markup equivalent to no more than 10 percent of the respective circuit charges. The government and the World City Authority, and their respective assignees as applicable, shall grant mutual rights of interconnection to their respective communications systems, on condition that the terms and conditions for such interconnection are cost-based and reasonable, and that the net amounts owed in settlements are paid on a monthly basis. The government and the World City Authority shall ensure that their telecommunications systems do not interfere in an injurious manner with the telecommunications systems operated by each other, or those operated by private parties to whom the government of the World City Authority may assign their respective telecommunications rights.
  4. The World City Authority shall have the authority to sublease its leased land, buildings, facilities and radio spectrum to World City businesses, economic citizens, and host country citizens with World City passports, as it deems appropriate.
  5. The World City Authority may subdivide such land, buildings, facilities, and radio spectrum for sublease to different parties, as it deems appropriate.
  1.  In its subleases, the World City Authority may limit, condition, or restrict the activities and uses, including business enterprises, which may be conducted within the subleased land, buildings, facilities, and radio spectrum.
  2.  In any of its subleases, the World City Authority may grant an exclusive right to pursue any use, activity or business enterprise to the sublessee, promising to prohibit any such use, activity, or business enterprise in all other subleases to all other parties

SECTION 2. Rights of Sublessees

  1. Sublessees of land, buildings, facilities, or radio spectrum from the World City Authority shall have the right to exclusive possession and use of such leased property, consistent with any conditions, limitations, or restrictions on such use specified in the sublease.
  2. Sublessees of property from the World City Authority shall have the right to develop and construct improvements upon such property, consistent with any conditions, limitations, or restrictions specified in the sublease for such property.
  3. Sublessees of property from the World City Authority may contract with any party to provide any necessary services, including public services and infrastructure, to the subleased property or to the conduct of legally authorized activities on that property, on an exclusive basis or otherwise, provided that the party to provide the services has the legal authority to provide such services within the World City to the sublessee.

SECTION 3. Lease Revenues


  1. Lease revenues paid by the World City Authority to the government of the Nation of    shall be retained by the government to be used as it chooses.
  2. Sublease revenues paid to the World City Authority by World City businesses, economic citizens and others shall be divided as follows:
  1. The World City Authority shall pay one third of all such revenues to the government of the Nation of ;
  2. The World City Authority shall retain one third of all such revenues for itself to be used as it chooses; 
  3. The World City Authority shall divide one third of all such revenues among local community associations within the World City as specified in Title X, Section 2, below.

SECTION 4. Privatization


  1. The government of the Nation of shall, within six months of the effective date of this legislation, privatize all existing publicly owned businesses within the World City by distributing ownership shares to current employees at no charge.
  2. The master lease for the World City Authority shall include a provision requiring the Authority to sublease any publicly owned housing to the current residents of that housing for the sum of $1 for the entire period of the Authority’s lease of the World City. These residents may further sublease such housing as they choose.


SECTION 5. Improvements

Any improvements in the World City during the period of the master lease for the World City Authority, including infrastructure, buildings, housing, and other facilities, shall be owned and operated by the developer or a lessee. At the end of the master lease period, ownership over all such improvements would revert to the government of the Nation of , and shall be included in any re-lease to a World City Authority.




SECTION 1. Business Entry


In order to establish and conduct a World City business, the business organizers must first obtain a World City business certificate from the World City Authority.


SECTION 2. World City Business Certificates


  1. The World City Authority shall grant a World City business certificate to any applicant whatsoever, without limitation, upon satisfaction of the following requirements,
  1. The applicant specifies a lawful business activity that the applicant intends to pursue within the World City;
  2. The applicant specifies the name under which that business shall be pursued within the World City;
  3. The applicant specifies an address and telephone number where it may be reached within the World City, and agrees to keep this information updated at all times;
  4. The applicant agrees to abide by the Civil Society Covenant defined in Title XII, Section 2, below; and
  5. The World City Authority determines that a business certificate for the business is not in current suspension as provided in Subsection E below.
  1. The applicant may be any private or public entity, body, group, or individual, of any citizenship.
  2. The World City business certificate shall authorize the applicant to establish and conduct a World City business with all the rights, freedoms, and powers specified in this legislation. However, any individuals who seek to enter the World City to carry out the business must obtain valid World City visas or passports as specified in Title VI above.
  3. World City businesses shall be responsible for acquiring any necessary facilities, inputs, and employees to conduct their operations. The World City Authority may exercise discretion in deciding whether and what property and facilities to sublease to business applicants, in order to maximize long-run economic growth and activity.
  4. The World City Authority shall maintain a continuously open and accessible facility for granting World City business certificates to applicants, and shall grant or deny such certificates within 24 hours after application.
  5. The World City Authority may suspend a business certificate if it finds that the business has failed to maintain the requirements of Subsection A above. Suspension of a business certificate shall require all activities of the business within the World City to cease and submission of any claims for civil damages or criminal violations to private arbitration within the World City as specified in Title XII, Section 3, below. The Authority shall reinstate the certificate upon correction of the deficiency, except where the business has been found through the private arbitration system of the World City or the legal system of the Nation of to have engaged in an unlawful business activity. In that case, the Authority may suspend the certificate for a specified period, or in perpetuity.
  6. An applicant may challenge a denial or suspension of a World City business certificate by submitting the dispute to private arbitration in the World City. The arbitrators shall grant or reinstate the certificate unless they determine by a preponderance of the evidence that the applicant failed to satisfy or maintain the requirements in Subsection A above. The losing party in the arbitration, the applicant or the World City Authority, shall pay all costs and attorneys’ fees of the winning party.
  7. Neither the government of the Nation of nor the World City Authority shall otherwise exclude entry into the World City by any business, or prevent the conduct of any business within the World City.


SECTION 3. Business Powers


  1. World City businesses shall be free to engage in any business, industrial, professional, financial, commercial, or service activity that does not involve physical force or fraud, or trafficking in illegal substances, and is not contrary to any conditions, limitations, or restrictions in the sublease of any property for the activity, as provided in Title VIII, Section 1.
  2. Neither the government of the Nation of nor the World City Authority, shall require any license or permit to engage in any business, industrial, professional, financial, commercial, or service activity, other than the business certificate specified in Section 2 above, and the sublease of any necessary property, including authority to pursue the chosen activity with such property as specified in Title VIII, Section 1.
  3. The government of the Nation of shall not grant any exclusive franchise outside of the Master Lease to engage in any business, industrial, professional, financial, commercial, or service activity. This shall include, but not be limited to, the fields of electricity, power generation, telecommunications, and other utilities.
  4. Within the limitations specified in Title VIII, Section 1, powers of World City businesses shall in particular include, but not be limited to, the right to
  1. engage in any manufacturing, assembly, processing, finishing, packaging, or warehousing activity;
  2. provide and sell any communication, telecommunication or information processing services such as data entry, data processing, computer aided design, computer aided printing and publishing, software development, telemarketing and any other similar and related services;
  3. provide and sell any financial, banking, securities, investment, trust, and insurance service or product, including the operation of exchanges for financial instruments;
  4. conduct any transportation business, including transportation of passengers or freight, any energy business, including production, transmission, or storage of energy, or any other utility or infrastructure service, subject to applicable health, safety and environment regulations;
  5. conduct any property development, whether industrial, commercial, residential, or general infrastructure;
  6. provide, sell, lease, or maintain medical services or facilities (including hospitals and clinics), education services and facilities (including schools and universities), residential, commercial, office, or industrial facilities, hotels or boarding houses, churches or other religious institutions, clubs, restaurants, marinas, and places of entertainment, sport, amusement or cultural activity.




SECTION 1. Local Community Associations


  1. World City businesses and economic citizens, and host country citizens working or residing within the World City, may establish local community associations covering the geographic areas where they live or work. Each Association shall be governed by a democratic corporate structure agreed to by the members.
  2. Those joining a local community association shall agree by contract to pay fees assessed by the Association through a specified democratic procedure in return for public services, infrastructure, and other benefits.
  3. The Association may perform any service or activity that the members choose and agree to finance, including, but not limited to, waste disposal, fire protection, water and sewer, public roads, transportation, parks and recreational services, security services, infrastructure, education, welfare, and emergency health care. The Association may charge user fees for any of these services as the members choose.
  4. Members shall also agree by contract to abide by rules established by the Association to maintain public order and amenities. Members may agree to grant the Association authority to establish any rules governing conduct within the Association’s area that they choose, including what activities may be conducted at what locations within the area.

SECTION 2. Distribution of Sublease Revenues 


Each quarter within a calendar year, the World City Authority shall distribute one-third of the revenues it has received for the quarter for the sublease of World City property, among established local community associations, with the funds allocated pro rata to the number of workers and residents covered by each Association.


SECTION 3. World City Authority Services


The World City Authority may provide any public services or infrastructure not otherwise provided by local community associations or World City businesses, as the Authority in its discretion deems best to maximize the long run economic success of the World City.


SECTION 4. Privatization of Existing Services


  1. Within 6 months of the effective date of this legislation, the government of the Nation of shall privatize all existing public bureaucracies within the World City providing public services and infrastructure, by organizing them into private corporate bodies and distributing equal ownership shares in each corporation to each employee of that corporation.
  2. These corporate bodies shall then offer their services on the open market, without any exclusive franchise, to local community associations, the World City Authority, or directly to World City businesses, workers, economic citizens, residents, visitors, or others, charging fees as they deem appropriate and as their customers agree to pay.




SECTION 1. Privatization of Existing Services


  1. Within 6 months of the effective date of this legislation, the government of the Nation of shall privatize all public schools, universities, education facilities, hospitals, clinics or other health care facilities by organizing them into corporate form, distributing equal ownership shares in each corporation to each employee of that corporation, and granting the organization the right to use their current facilities at no charge for the entire period of the World City Authority’s master lease.
  2. These new enterprises shall then offer their services on the open market, without any exclusive franchise, to World City economic citizens, workers, residents, visitors, or others, charging fees as they deem appropriate and as their customers agree to pay.

SECTION 2. Education Services


  1. World City economic citizens, and host country citizens who have established residence in the World City, may obtain education for their children by paying tuition directly to private schools, since they would not be subject to any taxation.
  2. Local community association members may decide to collectively provide for the education of children in their local areas within the World City through fees assessed on members by the Association.
  3. Local community associations, the World City Authority, World City businesses, or World City social or religious organizations may choose to subsidize education for children of lower income World City economic citizens or host country citizens who have established residence with their children in the World City.
  4. No regulations or restrictions shall apply to the education method, or to the content of education, offered by any school or university within the World City.
  5. In the case of host country citizens who, along with their children, do not reside in the World City, the children, or the adult host country citizens, may attend any private school or university within the World City upon acceptance of the student by the private school or university within its discretion, and satisfaction of the tuition requirements of the school or university by whatever means the host country citizen may arrange.
  6. In the case of host country citizens who have established residence with their children in the World City, the children or the adult host country citizens, may attend any private school or university outside the World City in the Nation of _______ upon acceptance of the student by the private school or university within its discretion, and satisfaction of the tuition requirements of the school or university by whatever means the host country citizen may arrange.
  7. The children of World City economic citizens, or adult World City economic citizens, may not attend any private school or university outside the World City in the Nation of _______ unless they qualify for admission into the Nation of _________ to attend such school or university under the generally applicable immigration laws of the Nation of _______, the school or university chooses to accept such student for admission in its discretion, and the tuition requirements of the school or university are satisfied by whatever means the World City economic citizen may arrange.
  8. Neither the children of World City economic citizens, or of host country citizens who have established residence in the World City along with their children, nor the adult World City economic citizens, or adult host country citizens who have established residence in the World City, may attend any public school or university in the Nation of

SECTION 3. Health Services


  1. World City economic citizens, workers, residents, or visitors may obtain health services by purchasing health insurance and paying for health care directly. World City employers may also pay for some or all of the costs of health insurance for their workers.
  2. Local community associations, the World City Authority, World City businesses, or World City social or religious organizations may choose to subsidize the purchase of private health insurance for lower income workers or residents.
  3. World City economic citizens, host country citizens who have established residence in the World City, and World City visitors, shall not be eligible for any health benefits provided by the government in the Nation of .

SECTION 4. Retirement Benefits


  1. World City workers may provide for their retirement benefits by saving a portion of their income each month, which would automatically accumulate tax free as long as it was invested in the World City as no taxes apply in the World City. These savings may finance each worker’s retirement benefits. World City workers may also receive pension benefits from their employers.
  2. Host country citizens who work in the World City shall have their public retirement benefits provided by the government in the Nation of reduced by a proportion equal to the proportion of lifetime retirement benefit taxes they avoided by working in the World City, calculated on a present value basis at the time of retirement benefit eligibility under the public retirement system in the Nation of ___
  3. World City economic citizens and visitors shall not be eligible for any retirement benefits provided by the government in the Nation of .

SECTION 5. Other Social Benefits


  1. World City economic citizens, workers, residents, or visitors may receive disability, workman’s compensation, and survivors benefits through the purchase of private disability and life insurance, which may also be paid for by World City employers for their workers.
  2. World City economic citizens, host country citizens who have established residence in the World City, and World City visitors shall not be eligible for any disability, workmen’s compensation, survivors benefits, or any other social insurance benefits, paid by the government in the Nation of .
  3. Employers who negligently cause injury to a worker, as determined through the arbitration system specified under Title XII below, shall be liable to pay full damages to the worker.

SECTION 6. Welfare


  1. Each year the government of the Nation of , and the World City Authority, shall distribute equal sums as agreed to between them to the social or religious organizations designated by World City economic citizens, and host country citizens who have established residence in the World City, as a condition of their residence in the World City, as specified in Title VI, Section 3. The sums distributed to each organization shall be proportional to the number of World City residents who have designated each organization.
  2. In return for the sums described in Subsection A above, each organization shall be obligated to provide any necessary welfare assistance to the World City residents who have designated the organization for affiliation, and otherwise help any such needy resident back into self-sustaining financial independence as soon as possible.




SECTION 1. Civil Liberties and Protections


  1. All rights to property within the World City shall be enforced through the private arbitration system in Section 3 below, backed by the government of the Nation of ________;
  2. The government of the Nation of shall not infringe upon or seize any property within the World City.
  3. The government of the Nation of shall provide full market compensation for any property it takes within the World City, directly or effectively through regulation.
  4. No regulation of the content of contracts shall apply within the World City, and all contracts by World City businesses, economic citizens, workers, residents, or visitors shall be fully enforced by the private arbitration system described in Section 3, backed by the government of the Nation of , except that no contractual obligation requiring an illegal action shall enforced.
  5. No regulation of freedom of speech, or of the press, or of religion shall apply with the World City.
  6. The government of the Nation of shall
  1. impose no sanctions on World City businesses, economic citizens, residents, or visitors without due process of law;
  2. obtain a warrant before any search or seizure of World City property;
  3.   to conduct a full trial by jury with established criminal procedures before imposing any criminal sanctions on World City businesses, economic citizens, residents or visitors;
  4.  not try any World City business, economic citizen, resident or visitor more than once for the same crime.
  1. The World City Authority and any private security forces within the World City employed by any party shall respect these civil liberties and protections as well, and this requirement shall be a condition of the master lease for the World City Authority, and of every other lease and sublease within the World City.


SECTION 2. Civil Society Covenants


Under the Civil Society Covenant, the covenanting party shall agree,

  1. to refrain from engaging in any criminal activity within the World City, or from imposing physical force or fraud on any business or individual within the World City;
  2. to respect and refrain from violating in any way the property rights of all World City businesses, economic citizens, residents, workers or visitors, to perform and abide by all contractual commitments, and to comply with all applicable legal requirements;
  3. to join and remain a member in good standing of any local community association covering the geographic area where the party resides, for parties who stay in the World City for more than three months in any one year, and otherwise to maintain a demeanor of good citizenship;
  4. to submit any civil dispute to private arbitration within the World City;
  5. to cooperate with private security forces if suspected of the commission of a crime.


SECTION 3. Breaches of Law in the World City


  1. Every alleged breach of contract, tort claim, property dispute, or other civil dispute arising in the World City shall be submitted to private arbitration as specified in the Civil Society Covenant.
  2. The government of the Nation of shall retain jurisdiction for policing and enforcement of the criminal law within the World City, but shall rely on private security forces of World City businesses, local community associations and the World City Authority to perform this function as specified in the Master Lease.
  3. Private security forces may use only non-lethal force to apprehend criminal suspects. Such suspects may be detained within the World City for prompt arbitration of civil claims against them for their actions.
  4. If found guilty, the convict shall be liable to compensate the victims for damages inflicted and pay the costs of apprehension and arbitration. If the convict fails to pay, the convict’s local community association shall be liable for the full amount, and the convict’s affiliated social or religious organization shall be liable up to the amount of the pro rata grant for the convict. If the violation occurred on the premises of a World City business and was engaged in by an employee, customer or supplier of the business, the business shall be liable as well for up to fifty percent of the claim.
  5. The World City Authority may also ban the convict from the World City for a specified period, or in perpetuity.
  6. The convict shall also be turned over to law enforcement officials of the government of the Nation of ____ for criminal prosecution and punishment.